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The Personal Peace Side of Single-Family Rental Investing Part II

The Personal Peace Side of Single-Family Rental Investing Part II

The Hard Work is Done Upfront To begin, for me I believe that I add value to a unit by purchasing it and renovating to a standard that increases the overall value and not just dollar for dollar. So if I purchase a home for $80,000 and add $20,000 of fixed cost, I’m...
The Personal Peace Side of Single-Family Rental Investing Part I

The Personal Peace Side of Single-Family Rental Investing Part I

I was recently out to lunch with a friend and his wife. They’re a great team in so many ways, the least of which not pertaining to the wonderful business they run that centers around single-family rental investing. During our time together, they told me they were...
Why Invest in Single Family Rentals? A Response to Grant Cardone

Why Invest in Single Family Rentals? A Response to Grant Cardone

Single-family rentals are a hot topic in the real estate industry. Chances are, if you’ve been around the industry for any amount of time in the last decade, then you’ve heard investors debating the significance of single-family rentals in the overall real estate...